The next regularly scheduled Board of Regents meeting will be held at noon on

Monday, April 21, 2025.

Board of Regents

Frank Phillips College is governed by a nine-member Board of Regents elected to staggered six-year terms by the registered voters of the Borger Junior College District.  The board functions to set policy for the college, to ensure the college's financial well-being, and to select and hire the President of the College.

Members of the Board of Regents include the following individuals.

A woman with blonde hair wearing green and smiling.

Marlene McKinney

Board Chair
A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Dr. Shad Goldston

Board Vice Chair
A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.

David Speed

Board Secretary
A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Colin Archer


Jesse Heredia

A man in a suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Dr. Jud Hicks

A person with their head in the air.

Wes Ritchie

Rahll Campus Non-Voting Representative
A person with their head in the air.

Kerry Symons

Allen Campus Non-Voting Representative

The Board of Regents meet every 3rd Monday of the Month, unless otherwise noted. Member of Texas Association of School Boards.

Board of Regents Election Information

Place Elected Official Elected/ Appointed Years Served Current Term Term Expires
1Dr. Shad Goldston20121320242030
2Jesus Heredia, Jr.2017820242030
3Dr. Stephanie Palmer2019620242030
4Colin Archer2021420202026
5Dr. Jud Hicks2023220202026
6Kenny Morrison2018720202026
7Marlene McKinney20101520222028
8Patrick Nonhof20131220222028
9David Speed2019620222028


Upcoming Election: 2024

Deadline to File for Candidacy (as identified by the Texas Secretary of State's Office):

Notice of Deadline to File Applications for Place on the Ballot (PDF)

  • First Day to File for a Place on the General Ballot: 7/20/2024
  • Last Day to File for a Place on the General Ballot: 8/19/2024

Requirements for Candidacy:
Candidates seeking election as a Regent must:

  • Be a resident qualified Texas voter;
  • Be a Texas resident for 12 months prior to the filling deadline; and
  • Be a resident of the College District for six months prior to the filing deadline.

For additional information contact:

Jody Nolen
Board of Regents Liaison
Frank Phillips College
1301 W. Roosevelt
Borger, TX  79007
Phone: 806-457-4213
Email: [email protected]