Title IX
What is Title IX?
The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. Title IX states that no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
Title IX also provides for equal educational opportunities for pregnant and parenting students. It prohibits educational institutions from discriminating against students based on pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. It also prohibits schools from applying any rule related to a student's parental, family, or marital status that treats students differently based on their sex.
Pregnant and Parenting Students
It is important for all members of the Frank Phillips College community to know that pregnant and parenting students have certain rights under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (known as "Title IX"). This federal legislation prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs and activities which includes pregnancy and parental status.
Based on Title IX, not discriminating against a pregnant student means granting her leave "for so long a period of time as deemed medically necessary by the student's physician," and then effectively reinstating the student "to the status which she held when the leave began."
This generally means that pregnant students should be treated as if they had a temporary disability, and then given an opportunity to make up missed work wherever possible. Extended deadlines, makeup assignments, and incomplete grades that can be completed at a later date. While retroactive requests will be considered, making arrangements in advance is preferred, and requests that are untimely may be denied on that basis. To the extent possible, pregnant students should be placed in the same position of academic progress that they were in when they took leave. The plausibility of doing so is not governed by an individual faculty member's class rules or policies, but by the nature of the work. Whenever the class work is of a type that it can be completed at a later date - such as papers, quizzes, tests, and even presentations - that option must be made available to the student.
In situations where the temporal particularities of the task do not allow for a "break," such as clinical rotations, large performances, and some lab or group work, the institution should work with the student to devise an alternative path to completion.
Ideally, students will always work with their instructors, as well as any support systems that the institution has in place, to come up with a plan for how to handle their absence and get back on track as quickly and comfortably as possible. In order to encourage this, the institution should post conspicuous notices directing students to a clear pregnancy policy and any responsible offices, including the office of disability services (or its equivalent), the TItle IX Coordinator, and the Section 504/ADA Coordinator.
If you have any questions regarding your rights as a pregnant or parenting student, please contact the Frank Phillips College Section 504/ADA Coordinator:
Kaisha Yeager, Director of Counseling & Testing Services
Office Location: Library 5
Phone: (806) 457-4200 ext. 777
Email: kyeager@fpctx.edu
Title IX Policies
Frank Phillips College prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against any employee on the basis of sex. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of College District policy and is prohibited.
For the College District policy addressing employee complaints of sex and gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual violence, and retaliation, please consult Board of Regents policy DIAA (LOCAL), FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETAILIATION: SEX AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE.
Frank Phillips College prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against any employee on the basis of sex. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of College District policy and is prohibited.
For the College District policy addressing complaints of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, and retaliation targeting students, please consult Board of Regents policy FFDA (LOCAL), FREEDOM FROM DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT, AND RETALIATION: SEX AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE.
For the College District policy addressing pregnant and parenting students, please consult Board of Regents policy FAA (LOCAL), EQUAL EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: PREGANT AND PARENTING STUDENTS.
Title IX Contacts
Jackie Brand
Title IX Coordinator
VP of Administrative Services
1301 W Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007
Phone: 806-457-4200 ext. 715
Email: jbrand@fpctx.edu
Dr. Shannon Carroll
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Executive VP for Academic Affairs
1301 W Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007
Phone: 806-457-4200 ext. 732
Email: scarroll@fpctx.edu
Kaisha Yeager
Pregnant and Parenting Students Liaison
Director of Counseling & Testing Services
1301 W Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007
Phone: 806-457-4200 ext. 777
Email: kyeager@fpctx.edu
Training Materials for Title IX Personnel
ATIXA Training Material: