The Importance of FPC
This article is not about Frank Phillips College per se. No, this commentary is regarding the importance of Foresight, Priorities, and Commitment.
There should be no disagreement that foresight, priorities, and commitment are essential attributes to the success of any organization or community. Recently the City of Perryton, the Perryton Community Development Corporation, the Perryton ISD, and other Perryton community leaders had the foresight to partner together to provide additional workforce opportunities for Perryton area high school and traditional students. Congratulations to the Perryton community leaders!
The Perryton Community Development Corporation had the foresight to understand that workforce development was a priority for continued economic growth for the City of Perryton. Because of their foresight, they made the commitment to purchase three buildings which will house Perryton ISD and Frank Phillips College technical training programs.
Through the commitment of the Perryton ISD and Superintendent James Mireles, several new workforce programs will be jointly offered by the Perryton ISD and the Frank Phillips College Allen campus. These programs include welding, certified drivers license (CDL), diesel mechanic technician and possibly HVAC, and will help provide much needed skilled individuals to serve the Perryton community and surrounding areas.
The Perryton ISD is making great contributions by helping to equip these programs. The welding equipment currently located on the PISD campus will be moved to the new tech center. Frank Phillips College is also in the process of writing grants to help fund equipment for these and future programs.
The Perryton community leaders have also seen the priority of funding scholarships for their students. The Perryton Pathways Scholarship Program guarantees every qualifying Perryton High School student access to a college education. The scholarship pays the unfunded cost of tuition, fees, and books. If you would like to donate contact Pathways Program Director Brenna Vela or visit the Pathways website at
The wise Israelite King Solomon wrote “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Although the context relates to spirituality, the proverb is relevant to other aspects of life as well. Perryton residents should be very proud of the foresight (vision), priorities and commitment taken by their leaders to ensure that Perryton remains a viable and thriving economic community.
Other panhandle communities are also identifying priorities to enhance their communities. Borger and Dalhart community and business leaders are actively seeking and enticing new industries. Their foresight and commitment will greatly improve the communities they represent.
Yes, praises to Perryton and other panhandle communities. They are leading by example and will reap the benefits of their Foresight, Priorities, and Commitment.