Faculty & Staff Development
Professional Development at Frank Phillips College is defined as a variety of specialized required training, formal education, or advanced professional learning intended to help faculty and staff improve their professional knowledge, competence skill, and effectiveness. The desired outcome of all professional development activities is to support the college's mission, vision, and values and ensuring student success as we meet SACSCOC accreditation standards.
Frank Phillips College's professional development program supports activities that contribute to professional growth and development. Such activities include, but are not limited to:
- Conferences, seminars, workshops, classes, teleconferences, or webinars to support faculty member's teaching expertise or staff member's area of expertise.
- Participation in professional associations, community engagement activities, networks, and accreditation agencies.
- Professional licensure and continuing education credits; educational travel with applicable teaching learning activities; instructional technology activities.
Professional development is offered for faculty &/or staff as a whole, as well as for individuals. Programs used to facilitate Professional Development at Frank Phillips College:

STARLINK provides courses that maintain academic rigor, technical knowledge, and skill sets which drive positive growth. STARLINK offers members a personalized dashboard to track training and 24/7 access to over 200 hours of professional development training through its eLibrary. New courses, features, and webinars are released monthly.

Enquiron is the site that FPC utilizes to provide Employee Discrimination Training. This training is required by the State of Texas for all employees to complete every two years. You will receive login information for Enquiron from HR. If you have any questions about this training, please contact Jody Nolen at ext. 713 or [email protected].

Mandry Technology provides security awareness training for all FPC employees. This training is required annually. Each employee will receive an email with a link when it is time for them to complete this training.