Plainsmen Partners

It’s almost fall, and students are returning to the Frank Phillips College campuses.  In record numbers!!  We are welcoming students from across the U.S.A. from the west coast to the east coast and points in between.  There are students from South America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and East Asia. Therefore, many of the students are new to Borger, new to college life, and need assistance from time to time.

One of the best groups resources for providing general assistance and support to these students is our “Plainsmen Partners” program.  This group of community members volunteer to “adopt” a student during the academic year.   The “adopt a student” program is governed by the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) which sets guidelines and regulations for student athletes who participate in the program.  The program cannot be affiliated with the athletic department and must be available to ALL students

The Plainsmen Partners host families provide an occasional home cooked meal, a family environment, support at college and community activities, and many other important resources.  This cultural exchange allows students to learn of the Texas panhandle culture and the host families to learn about the home region, nation, language, cuisine, and culture of the students.  This is a very rewarding experience for the host families and students, not to mention the entertainment value of attending an athletic contest at FPC.

Some of the students, especially international students, do not have transportation to perform routine daily or weekly activities … like attending worship services.  One is very likely to see FPC students with their host families at local worship centers, the movie theater, or other places around the community. 

There are other ways that host families help students who are away from home.  Sometimes a student just needs someone with whom to talk.  Sometimes a student needs a quiet environment to study (residential halls can get noisy at times).  Sometimes, if a student is fortunate, they can find a host “parent” who can help with college coursework. 

This year, like in past years, there are over one hundred students who might like to have a host family in the Borger area.  Therefore, there is a great need for families to participate in the Plainsmen Partners program.  Host families can be a very positive influence by inviting students to gatherings, sending encouraging messages, and attending events to cheer for the students.  The impact of these gestures, whether it is baking cookies or other goodies, or simply offering a kind word, can significantly enhance the college experience of students, especially for those students who are from distant countries. 

The Plainsmen Partners program not only supports the students, but also strengthens community bonds, creates lasting memories, and enhances the learning experience of the students.

A special thanks to Kaci Walden, Ricky Garzon, and many, many others who take an interest in and take great care of FPC students.  If you are interested in participating in the Plainsmen Partners program, some local places of worship have participation forms or you may contact the college at for more information.

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Dr. Glendon Forgey