We Are Plainsmen
Marketing and Communications
Increase public awareness and appreciation of FPC to prospective and current students, community members, and key constituents.
Our Goals
Brand Guidelines
Adherence to these guidelines will ensure consistency and recognition of the Frank Phillips College brand. Recognition of the greater College brand benefits each of its programs and key segments independently moving forward. The full guideline is available below in the Helpful Links section.
"The legal name of the college is the Borger Junior College District, but from the beginning of planning for the college, suggestions were made to call the college Frank Phillips College in honor of the founder of Phillips Petroleum Company, the largest employer in Hutchinson County at that time. After much consideration the motion to call the college Frank Phillips College carried unanimously."
Hart, Judy; Kasch, Julia; Rummel, Gloria. Frank Phillips College: Starting Here and Going Anywhere. 2008. Print
The Borger Junior College District operating under the name "Frank Phillips College" is a service mark of the College and may not be used by any outside entity or individual without prior written permission from the College. Similarly, the College Seal, Logo(s), and Athletics Logo(s) are valuable trademarks and service marks of the College and may not be used without prior written permission. For permission to use any of these marks, please contact [email protected].
Frank Phillips College's visual identity is categorized in three separate systems: the Logo(s), the College Seal, and our Academic Identity. Each system represents a particular function of the College. However, all of these functions share a common theme and certain visual elements that unify the brand and add distinction to the College among external audiences.
"Sitting at my desk planning on these important things for the college, I observed that I was still wearing some of my old (U.S.) Navy uniform. Actually I was wearing gray trousers, and a (U.S.) Navy belt with the (U.S.) Navy insignia on the belt buckle. So blue and gold Navy colors, came to mind suddenly as I was still in the Navy Reserve. So thusly blue and gold became the college colors." -James W. Dillard, 1st Dean of Frank Phillips College
Hart, Judy; Kasch, Julia; Rummel, Gloria. Frank Phillips College: Starting Here and Going Anywhere. 2008. Print
Based on the knowledge of the founding of our school, and the above passage from James W. Dillard, the official colors of Frank Phillips College are based on the U.S. Navy colors. Staying true to this confirmation, our formal and permanent colors are as follows:
Blue: PMS 294 RGB (10,55,130) CMYK (100,89,20,7)
Yellow: PMS 1235 RGB (246,180,14) CMYK (3,31,100,0)
Silver Gray: PMS 422 RGB (209,212,211) CMYK (17,11,13,0)
Please use these colors as the preferred colors when designing and printing any material that is directly related to this institution. This includes but is not limited to: designing/purchasing equipment, supplies, signage, apparel, promotional items, etc. for the college.
"This plains area of the Texas Panhandle had a very romantic and turbulent beginning. The people who settled (the area) were very hearty and brave people, so whatever was suitable for this location should be applicable. The terms oilers and gassers had been worn out in the areas of the oil fields. So we were in the north plains area, the term Plainsmen came to mind, so that was the mascot I selected." -James W. Dillard, 1st Dean of Frank Phillips College
Hart, Judy; Kasch, Julia; Rummel, Gloria. Frank Phillips College: Starting Here and Going Anywhere. 2008. Print
The Frank Phillips College logo has multiple parts and variations. Certain parts should not be used without the others. This being said, you should also understand the purpose for each logo and best case practices when choosing which logo to use.
Protected Area
It is important that the surrounding area of the logo be protected and free of wording or additional imagery. An image-free area at the height of the P in the word Plainsmen should surround the logo in all applications.
There is a one color logo that can be used in this situation. It can be black, white, blue, or gold. No other colors should be used with this logo unless approved by the Marketing and Communications department.
Proper Use:
The logo(s) for Frank Phillips College should be used as an identification element. It is not a mandatory identifier that must be used any time the college is mentioned, or required on the fronts of brochures or other marketing material.
It is required, however, as a signature to all publications. Meaning it needs to be somewhere on either the back panel or cover if it is not used on the front or in the body content.
The logo reproductions below are examples of UNACCEPTABLE use. Also, please do not obstruct the logo with any other graphic, change the font, or recreate it in any way. Do not add a box around the logo, pull the low resolution logo from our website to use for print, place our logo on a distracting background, or tilt our logo/place it on an angle.
1. Campus, Department and Program Logos
Instead of a unique logo identity package for each campus, program, organization, or sports team, please use the format below to identify and show direct association with the college.
Logo + Name of Campus
Logo + Name of Department
Logo + Program
Campuses, Departments, and Programs may not use a logo that has not been created or approved by FPC Marketing and Communications. The approved department and program version of the logo in multiple formats, resolution, and approved colors is available and supplied in a folder on our shared drive. If for some reason the logo you are looking for is not available or supplied, please contact [email protected].
2. Secondary Logos
(Alumni, athletics, student life, etc.)
For the organizations listed, unique marks have been created to assist students and community for fast identification and branding. These logos are available in a folder on our shared drive.
Student Clubs and Organizations
If you wish to have a logo, please submit a request to [email protected], only if you wish to use the Plainsmen logo or any part of that logo in your personal logo. We will then create a logo and supply that for you.
Temporary Initiatives
In some instances, it may be allowed and appropriate to create/use logos for temporary initiatives such as, but not limited to: college fundraising campaigns, athletic events like dig pink, etc. Please submit a request to [email protected] and we will create a version that is approved for use with our branding standards.
The current slogan is from our QEP initiative and will run until the end of the 5 year term for our Quality Enhancement Plan. Please use this slogan in place of all old slogans.
Website - www.fpctx.edu
Please bold the website when using both the slogan and website together.
There is no finite placement for the slogan and website in relation to the logo. However, there are three possible placements that are recommended for use when combining the three together:
- Text should be placed underneath the logo and left justified. A line of blank space should go between the logo and the slogan/website.
- Text should be set off to the right of the logo and the bottom of the slogan/website should line up with the bottom of the logo.
- Text should be center justified underneath the logo, only when the logo is center justified on the page either in the header or the footer. A line of blank space should go between the bottom of the logo and the slogan/website.
"I had no problem in designing a seal and drawing it; however, I was not too pleased and about a year later I changed. I liked the Texas State seal, so I designed one for the college similar that is still used today." - James W. Dillard, 1st Dean of Frank Phillips College
The first college seal that Dillard designed featured scenes from the area: cactus, an oil derrick, and industrial plants, surrounded by the saying, "Building for American Life and Democratic Ideals." The second seal featured a shield with a star encircled with the words, "Frank Phillips College, Borger, Texas, Founded, 1948".
Hart, Judy; Kasch, Julia; Rummel, Gloria. Frank Phillips College: Starting Here and Going Anywhere. 2008. Print
Although there may be exceptions, the rule is that the college seal is reserved for official college documents, such as the FPC diploma, special correspondence from the Presidents office, and in honor of Commencement. Please do not utilize the College Seal in conjunction with an employee e-mail signature or on department letterhead other than the President's Office.
To request use of this logo, please contact [email protected].
Our remote campuses have adopted the FPC logo as their preferred logo variation. Either the FPC without the plainsmen or the FPC with the plainsmen are both accepted and recommended to use on any of our extension campuses. There will also be variations of this logo in relation to the cosmetology program on their off-site campuses for relevancy purposes and greater identification within the community.
It is very important to refer to the various campuses in the proper way. First and foremost they should be referred to as "Frank Phillips College - Campus Name". In times when the abbreviations are necessary, only then should they be FPC Campus Name. Also, when using the abbreviation there will be no hyphen between the FPC and the campus designation.
*FPC should never be used for the Borger campus in written material.
Current campuses proper formatting listed below:
Frank Phillips College
Borger, TX
Frank Phillips College - Workforce
Borger, TX
Frank Phillips College - Rahll Campus
Dalhart, TX
Frank Phillips College - Allen Campus
Perryton, TX
Frank Phillips College Cosmetology & Salon - Borger Campus
Borger, TX
Frank Phillips College Cosmetology & Salon - Allen Campus
Perryton, TX
FPC Workforce
Borger, TX
FPC Rahll Campus
Dalhart, TX
FPC Allen Campus
Perryton, TX
FPC Cosmetology & Salon, Allen Campus
Perryton, TX
Social Media Guidelines
The following guidelines and best practices address the use of social media for official college communications. The full guideline is available below in the Helpful Links section.
Creation of Social Media Accounts
To make sure your social media efforts adhere to the design and policy standards of Frank Phillips College, and that your efforts are not tied specifically to an individual Frank Phillips College employee's personal account, it is required that all official Frank Phillips College social media accounts be coordinated through the Office of Marketing and Communications. To request an account, contact [email protected].
Considerations Before Engaging in Social Media
- Keep in mind other FPC policies
- Prepare for the necessary time commitment
- Update page roles for departed admins
- Abide by the Branding Guide
Posting on Behalf of FPC
- Be accurate
- Be responsible
- Be thoughtful
- Maintain confidentiality
- Maintain privacy
- Respond effectively to negative comments
- Don't be afraid to ask for help
- Respect college time and property
- Follow social media accessibility protocols
Helpful Links
Contact Us
Frank Phillips College
Marketing and Communications
1301 W Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007