Plainsmen Provision

Student Emergency Assistance Fund

What is Plainsmen Provision?

Plainsmen Provision assists students who are faced with an unexpected loss of stability through emergency financial relief.

It is a grant administered through the Office of Student Financial Services, established through the generous gifts of the Trellis Foundation, FPC employees, and alumni and friends of Frank Phillips College after the panhandle wildfires of 2024. The purpose of the Plainsmen Provision Fund is to provide limited, last-resort, financial assistance to currently enrolled students who are experiencing a sudden emergency, accident, or unforeseen event that requires additional emergency monetary assistance in order to support their ability to stay enrolled and focused on their academic career. 

Award amounts may vary. Students may apply only once per semester for assistance.  Decisions regarding the disbursement of funds are made on a case-by-case basis by the Plainsmen Provision committee. Awards do not require repayments.

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A blue circle with two hands shaking.

Want to Help a Student Experiencing an Unexpected Emergency?

Donations to the Plainsmen Provision Fund can be made by mail or online. 

By Mail:

Please make the check payable to Frank Phillips College and add the purpose of "Plainsmen Provision Fund" in the check memo.

Mail check to:
Frank Phillips College

Institutional Advancement
1301 W Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007



Donations may be made online through the FPC Development Corporation. To utilize this option, please visit and select "Plainsmen Provision" in the designation information section.

Need More Information?

For more information about the Plainsmen Provision Fund, please contact the Office of Student Financial Services.