Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
FPC administrators are working nonstop to make decisions that effect every person at the college. Our goal is to make choices that are helpful, fair and judicious for everyone. We ask for patience and understanding as the information we receive changes quickly and can impact prior decisions and actions.
Last update on Monday, January 1st.
Summary of Fund Utilization
- Funds Directly Issued to Students: $1,486,049
- Recovery of Lost Revenue: $865.000
- Cleaning and PPE: $42,500
- Wages: $153,332
- Classroom Equipment: $26,210
- Software and Technology: $490,981
- Other campus equipment: $394,000
HEERF Quarterly Documents
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 9.30.22
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 6.30.22
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 3.31.22
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 12.31.21
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 9.30.21
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 6.30.21
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 3.31.21
- HEERF Quarterly Reporting Document 12.31.20
- CARES Act / HEERF Reporting Document 10.31.20
A list of frequent needs of our students and the point of contact for each.
If you have a question or need additional assistance, please let us know.
Student Need | Name | Ext. # | |
Counseling Services | Kaisha Yeager | ext. 777 | |
Library Help | Linda Moore | ext. 787 | |
Schedule Changes | Michele Stevens | ext. 707 | |
Tutoring | Derrick Cummings | ext. 632 | |
TRiO | Jan Moore | ext. 733 | |
Dorms/Housing | Krista Wilson | ext. 742 | |
Password Resets | |||
BrightSpace Help | Michele Stevens | ext. 707 | |
Events on Campus | Jody Nolen | ext. 713 | |
Dual Credit | Kamron Nonhof | ext. 775 | |
Dalhart Contact | Christy Dovel | ext. 514 | |
Perryton Contact | Cassi Laxton | ext. 607 | |
Workforce Training | ext. 776 |
Latest Updates
Monday, August 8th, 2022
Guidelines for employees and students regarding COVID-19
If you have a positive COVID-19 test result:
- You should miss a mandatory five days
- You may only return if you have no symptoms and no fever for 24 hours before your return date
- You may need to miss more than five days if your symptoms persist
- Wear a mask for 10 days in public after returning to work
If you were exposed to COVID-19:
- There is NO quarantine period unless you develop symptoms
- If you develop symptoms, GO HOME IMMEDIATELY. If you develop symptoms, you will miss a minimum of five days from when you develop symptoms
- IF you develop symptoms, you may only return if you have no symptoms and no fever for 24 hours before your return date
- Wear a mask for ten days in public
If you were exposed to COVID-19 but also had COVID-19 in the last 90 days:
- There is NO quarantine period
- Wear a mask for ten days in public
Please inform Jason Price if you need to miss at [email protected] or 806-457-4287 (or ext. 787).
Also, inform Jody Nolen regarding missing work at [email protected] or ext. 713.
Monday, January 1st, 2022
Here are the updated CDC guidelines for COVID protocol. Please notice that the quarantine period has been lessened to 5 days, provided no symptoms, fever, etc. There is also a requirement that after the 5 day quarantine is up (provided the individual is asymptomatic and running no fever), that a mask must be worn for the additional 5 days after the quarantine is over.
The updated CDC guidelines can be found here.
Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021
FYI regarding booster shots for COVID.
Disclaimer: FPC does NOT require staff or students to have the COVID vaccination.
All Americans 65 or over are now eligible for booster shots for Covid 19 according to the following CDC guidelines:
Booster shots are available for the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. A person must be fully vaccinated before receiving a booster shot. With the Pfizer & Moderna vaccine you must have had the second dose of the Covid 19 vaccine at least 6 months ago, and for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you must have had the 1st dose of Johnson & Johnson at least 2 months ago.
You can also receive a booster if you are 19-64 years old and fall into one of the following categories:
- Have a serious medical condition
- Live in a facility that provides long term-care
- Work or live in some type of high risk facility
In addition to the above conditions for receiving a booster shot, CDC has listed examples for people age 19-64 that qualify for a booster shot because of their occupation. These examples include:
- First responders, such as, police, firefighters, healthcare workers and the staff associated with these responders.
- All education staff from daycare to higher education workers and their support staff.
- Workers in the food and agriculture industry.
- People who work in correction facilities, grocery stores, U.S. postal service, manufacturing and public transit.
Please check with local pharmacies to see if the booster shot is available.
Walmart Pharmacy 806-274-7243
CVS Pharmacy 806-273-1433
United Pharmacy 806-273-6421
Borger Pharmacy 806-274- 9635
If you have any questions, please contact Jason Price at [email protected].
Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
CDC guidelines are what FPC follows with regard to COVID positive tests and exposure. Please see the link below:
If you have any questions, please contact Jason Price at [email protected].
Here is also a FAQ from the Texas Health and Human Services department:
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021
This is an update on the new information released by the CDC on Covid 19. I am addressing the new recommendations for your information.
Because of the Delta variant of Covid 19, there has been a significant rise in new Covid 19 cases country-wide. The Delta variant is extremely contagious and is responsible for 83% of all new Covid 19 cases. 97% of the hospitalized people with Covid 19 are unvaccinated.
In response to this increase of cases, the CDC has changed its recommendation for mask wearing. The CDC now recommends that everyone, including fully vaccinated people and children going back to school, wear masks when in public indoor areas to protect yourself and others. (Per Governor Abbott, masks cannot be mandated in the state of Texas).
There have been reports of "break through" cases of fully vaccinated testing positive for Covid19. Although, fully vaccinated people tend have mild cases.
As of August 1, 2021, the U.S has had 101,171 new cases of Covid 19 in the past 7 days and 451 deaths while Texas has had 2,049 new cases and 21 deaths in the same time period.
The CDC recognizes that the Covid vaccine does not guarantee 100% immunity from the disease; however, it does help protect from severe disease and death. The CDC emphasizes that the best way to avoid Covid 19 is by getting fully vaccinated .
For people who are interested in getting the Covid 19 vaccination, there is a list below of local locations to receive the vaccine. ***Please note that all age groups are eligible to get vaccinated, except children under 12. Also note that the vaccine is free.
The vaccine is available At Walmart Pharmacy in Borger and Pampa, at CVS Pharmacy in Borger and Pampa, and at United Pharmacy at Borger and Pampa and at the Borger Pharmacy.
If you have any questions, please contact Jason Price at [email protected].
Monday, January 11, 2021
Will social distancing guidelines be in place during the Spring semester?
Maintaining a proper distance of space is recommended to help avoid the spread of COVID 19. A minimum of 6 feet is recommended at all times.
Should I or will I have to wear a mask or face covering on campus?
FPC requires all employees working in a public space to wear a cloth face covering. In addition, all students and visitors are required to wear a cloth face covering when in the presence of others. This should also be used in conjunction with social distancing protocols.
What does a "face covering" entail?
The Centers of Disease Control (CDC) has five conditions for cloth face coverings:
- Fit snugly but comfortable against the face
- Be secured with ties or ear loops
- Include multiple layers of fabric
- Allow for breathing without restriction
- Be able to be laundered and machine-dried without damage or change to face
Do I have to provide my own face covering?
Yes if you are a student or member of the public. FPC will provide employees with one face mask for each employee if necessary.
Do I have to wear a face covering when in the cafeteria?
You do not have to wear a face covering when you are eating or drinking.
Can I request an exemption from the face covering requirement?
Yes. Some employees or students may not be able to wear a face covering due to a medical condition. Employees need to contact Jackie Brand at [email protected] or 806-457-4200 ext. 715 and students need to contact Becky Green at [email protected] or 806-457-4200 ext. 777. Face shields may be worn instead of face coverings in some instances. Also, distance learning options for class can be considered.
Should I bring hand sanitizer to campus?
It is recommended for students and employees to bring hand sanitizer to campus to supplement hand washing for 20 seconds. There are also hand sanitizing stations around campus.
Are face coverings required in the residence halls?
If you are in your room, no. However, social distancing with your roommate is encouraged. If you are going into the hallways, face coverings are required. Visiting hours will be eliminated until further notice.
Thursday, September 17th, 2020
Daily COVID-19 Responsibility Communication
Do you have?
- Fever (Over 100° F)
- New cough
- New shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- New chills
- New muscle aches
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Diarrhea
- New loss of taste or smell
Please contact a health professional.
If you are:
- Struggling to breathe or fighting for breath even when inactive or resting
- Feeling as though you might collapse every time you stand or sit up
Call 911. Do not come to class or campus.
If you are NOT experiencing any of the above symptoms, protect yourself by maintaining good hygiene and prevention standards:
- Wash your hands
- Wear a face covering
- Maintain 6 feet of physical distance
- Clean and disinfect common spaces before and after use
If you are hospitalized due to COVID-19, please call 806-457-4287 so FPC can provide you with assistance and resources for your classes.
Wednesday, June 10th, 2020
Frank Phillips College has implemented proactive measures as a precaution to limit further transmission of the Coronavirus, known as COVID-19. FPC Allen, Borger, and Rahll campuses are open at this time with these measures in place.
At this time we are offering in-person AND online instruction throughout the summer semesters.
Please stay home if you have: One or more symptoms of - cough, difficulty breathing, chills, sore throat, fever of </= 100oF; Traveled to a known "Hot Spot" in the last 14 days; Had close contact with either a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19.
For more information on COVID-19 , contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at www.cdc.gov or 800-232-4636.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Meal plan refunds are going out on Friday, April 3, 2020 to the student's choice account. We will provide an update on this feed when we begin releasing dorm deposits.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
As an institution, FPC has the health and safety of our students at the forefront of all decision making. COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has required the shift to online classes and limited housing accommodations. With the Executive Orders from the Governor of Texas the institution believes it is in the best interest of our students (and their families) to not return to campus housing to collect belongings at this time. We realize that this decision has a placed a burden on you as a residential student.
While I know this is not the news you wanted to hear we are monitoring the situation daily and will provide updates as soon as they become available. In the meantime if you have school-related and/or medically necessary items in your room please contact your respective Dorm Director.
Eric Rodewald 806-440-4142
Deana Moon 806-336-0796
Please know that these unprecedented times are just as scary for us as I'm sure they it is for each one of you. We WILL make it through all of this together. We will continue to stay in contact with you regarding dorm updates as soon as they become available.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Dear Students,
As you are aware, the developments around the COVID-19 virus are moving quickly, and we have come to a difficult decision to move ALL classes to an online format beginning next week. We are also cancelling all spring activities, including postponing graduation until we know how the situation resolves. If you are eligible to graduate, however, you will still receive your credential, regardless of the status of the ceremony.
We know that you will have many questions, and we hope you will give us time to address those.
We will be preparing to move to this format, and your faculty will be in contact with you through your portal and/or FPC email early next week. It is imperative that you check your email regularly for information.
If you live on campus, your dorm directors will be your point of contact for questions, but again, please give them some time to work through your questions. For those of you who are international students, Becky Green will be in contact with you to help answer your questions, and if you must remain in the dorms, we will work with you on taking your class in an online format.
If you are in lab classes or CTE programs, your instructors will inform you of ways they will help you get the necessary lab hours. Dual-credit students will continue to work with their high-schools as we have been doing already.
Please be patient and know that we are working through all of the details to make this transition as smooth as possible. You are still on spring break, so try to enjoy your time before you resume classes on Monday. Remember that you will want to check email frequently to make sure you have the most current information possible.
Thank you, and please stay safe and healthy!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
FPC has been monitoring the situation surrounding the COVID-19, and as you are all aware, the developments around COVID-19 (coronavirus) are moving quickly, and we at FPC have come to a difficult decision to move ALL classes to an online format for the rest of the semester. All events are also cancelled at this point, including postponing graduation, as we make an effort to eliminate any exposure, and thus possible spread of the virus. Dual-credit classes taught on the high school's campus will continue according to high-school protocol. We will notify our high schools of our decision on an ongoing basis.
Please be patient and know that we are working through all of the details to make this transition as smooth as possible. We are FPC, and we will make this work. Thank you for your continued support in the safety of our students and staff.
Faculty and staff should direct questions to Shannon Carroll, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at 806-457-4200, EXT. 732 or [email protected].
Students, we know you have many questions, and we hope you will give us time to address those. Your faculty will be in contact with you through your portal and/or FPC email early next week. It is imperative that you check your email regularly for information. Please be patient and know that we are working through all of the details to make this transition as smooth as possible. Classes will transition to an online format beginning the week of March 23, 2020.