Business Office
Business Office
The Business Office is responsible for the timely dissemination of accurate information relating to a student's financial account. We interact daily with students, parents, faculty, staff, and administrators along with outside agencies either in person, by phone, fax, or email. Our goal is to provide outstanding service at a high level of integrity, honesty, and professional ethics while conforming to The Texas Education Code and Family Education Right and Privacy Act (FERPA).
The Business Office functions are:
- Invoicing and collecting revenue from tuition, fees, room, board, and various other miscellaneous charges or fines.
- Safeguarding and depositing the College District's receipts.
- Providing accurate and timely accounting and financial services to aid Admissions, Student Financial Services, and Student Central.
- Timely disbursement of student refunds.
- Providing student tax information through the generation of 1098-T data.
Tuition and Fees
For tuition and fee rates, click the Tuition and Fees button above.
Tuition rates at Frank Phillips College are set by the Board of Regents of the College in accordance with the provisions of Texas statutes. Tuition rates are subject to change without notice by the action of the State Legislature or the Board of Regents. Tuition and fees are payable in full before the first day of class unless the student has signed up for the Payment Plan Option. A student is not officially registered until full payment of tuition and fees is made. Payment may be made by cash, check, money order, or credit card approved by the Business Office. All students must pay tuition according to their resident classification as follows:
A resident of the Borger Junior College District is a student who resides within the Borger Junior College District and is not classified as a Non-Resident of Texas as explained in this section.
A resident of Dallam/Hartley County is a student who resides within Dallam or Hartley County and is not classified as a Non-Resident of Texas as explained in this section.
A resident of Ochiltree County is a student who resides within Ochiltree County and is not classified as a Non-Resident of Texas as explained in this section.
A Non-resident (of a Taxing District) is a student that neither resides within the Borger Junior College District or Ochiltree County nor is classified as a Non-resident of Texas.
A Non-resident of Texas is a student younger than 18 years of age who does not live with his or her family and whose family resides in another state or whose family has not resided in Texas for the 12 months preceding the date of registration or a student of 18 years of age or over who resides out of state or who has not been a resident of the state 12 months after his 18th birthday or for 12 months immediately preceding the date of registration.
Tuition Exemptions – the following tuition exemption programs are administered through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board: children of certain disabled public employees, deaf and blind students, children of prisoners of war or persons missing in action, students in foster or other residential care, students on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families during their senior year of high school, early high school graduates. Some tuition exemptions are need-based. Eligible students should contact the Student Financial Services office for more information.
Disbursement of Awards to students – All grants, loans and scholarships are electronically credited to students' accounts. Students must designate an account for direct deposits in the student portal where all disbursements, over-awards and refunds will be routinely deposited. All documents and eligibility requirements (Satisfactory Academic Progress) must be met prior to students receiving funds.
Loan funds will be applied to outstanding costs due FPC first and amounts remaining will be direct deposited to the student's designated account. Loan funds are disbursed in two equal disbursement amounts, no exceptions.
Paying For Classes
FPC offers several options to students for securing payment for tuition and fees. Please review the options below and ensure that payment is applied to prior to the payment deadline for the appropriate semester. Failure to pay tuition and fees by the payment deadline may result in students being dropped from classes.
Please note that students do not receive tuition bills in the mail. Account balance can be found by logging in to the Student Portal and checking the billing statement under “My Finances.” The Pay My Bill button above will take you to your portal login.
3 Easy Ways to Pay:
Option 1: Pay Online
To pay online in full, login to the student portal and select “My Finances” and then "Make a Payment Online."
Option 2: Pay Through the Mail
Pay by mail with check or money order to:
Frank Phillips College
Business Office
P.O. Box 5118
Borger, Texas 79008
Option 3: Pay in Person
Pay in person at Borger, Dalhart, or Perryton FPC locations, in either the Business Office or Student Central. Students can pay in person using cash, check, credit or debit card, money order, or cashier's checks. No temporary checks will be accepted. We accept Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards.
Note: There is a 2.25% convenience fee added for credit card transactions.
Returned Check Policy
Students must exercise care when paying the college by check. A $25 charge will be assessed for all returned checks. Returned checks that were submitted for payment of tuition and fees must be redeemed in cash by the tenth class day, or the student will be suspended from all courses. All other checks must be redeemed within five days after notice, or the student will not be permitted to attend class until the returned check and "Return Check Charge" are paid.
Tuition and Fee Payment Refunds
Payment refunds will not be processed until after the 20th class day. Tuition and fees paid directly to Frank Phillips College by a sponsor, donor, or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the student. Students who receive financial assistance should refer to the Student Financial Services office for refund information.
Classes Canceled by the College
Students will be refunded 100% of their tuition and fees if a class is canceled by the College.
Withdrawals and Drops
If a student withdraws from college prior to the first day of the semester, tuition and fees will be refunded. A $13.00 schedule fee will be charged to add, drop, or change (drop and add) a class during the refund period.
Students who officially withdraw or reduce their course enrollment after the first day of classes will have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following schedule:
Fall, Spring, and Summer Long Semesters Fee Refund
- Prior to the first day of class: 100%
- During the first 15 class days: 70%
- During the 16th through 20th class days: 25%
- After the 20th class day: none
Summer I and Summer II Semesters Fee Refund
- Prior to the first day of class: 100%
- During the first 5 class days: 70%
- During the 6th and 7th class days: 25%
- After the 7th class day: none
Mini-terms (December/January or May) Fee Refund
- Prior to the first day of class: 100%
- During the first 2 class days: 70%
- After the 2nd class day: none
Because withdrawing from classes can have an impact on students' financial aid, all students should check with Student Financial Services staff before withdrawing from classes.
1098-T Tuition Payment Statement
The Internal Revenue Service Form 1098-T, "Tuition Payments Statement", you received from Frank Phillips College is information provided to claim the Hope Tax or Lifetime Learning Credit on your Federal Tax Return, IRS Form 1040. Information provided on the 1098-T includes amounts of payments for qualified tuition and related expenses from January 1 through December 31 and financial aid you received, which includes grants and scholarships. To determine if you qualify to claim one of these credits on your federal return, please contact your personal tax consultant. The IRS can be contacted at their local office at 7201 Interstate 40 West, Suite 105, or the IRS toll free phone number 1-800-829-1040, or at the IRS website at
Download your 1098-T form at:
Contact us
1301 W. Roosevelt
Borger, TX 79007
Fax: 806-457-4224
Monday-Thursday: 7am to 6pm
Friday: Closed
Business Office Staff