ARC and Tutoring

Academic Readiness Center and tutoring. Everything you need for research and tutoring!  


Academic Readiness Center Mission

The mission of the ARC is to ensure student academic success through individual attention, enhancing the learning environment and culture instilled at Frank Philips College.
We offer study materials, supplemental instruction, tutoring, testing, seminars, and academic computer use.


Individual Tutoring Procedures

  • Tutors are available during business hours.
  • Simply go to the ARC to obtain a tutoring schedule or look on the Student Portal.
  • The tutoring schedule will list the tutors' names and areas of specialty.
  • Once you have located a tutor on the schedule who can help, simply go to the ARC at that time and ask for assistance.
  • If you need to schedule an appointment with the Writing Coach, please contact Derrick Cummings in person or email him at

Group Tutoring Information and Procedure

If a group of students wants to schedule a specific time, a study group can be formed in the same subject and level.
Determine a time when the group would like to meet and notify Derrick Cummings by coming to the ARC or by emailing him.

Tutoring for Distance-Learning and Off-Campus Students

Distance-learning students and students at Dalhart, Dumas, Hereford, and Perryton can also get free tutoring. Tutoring is available via SKYPE, and in some cases, arrangements can be made for you to receive tutoring at an FPC site. For more information please contact


In implementing an innovative student learning center, policies and procedures have been established to further assist students' educational needs.

Learning Center Rules

The Learning Center now consists of TRiO and the Academic Readiness Center (ARC) located in the TRiO/ARC building. It is important for this area to have an environment that is conducive to learning. Those who visit the Learning Center are expected to maintain that learning environment; therefore, the following will be expected of all while in the Learning Center:

  1. Noise will be kept to a level that is conducive to studying.
  2. No tobacco products of any kind.
  3. Children will not be allowed in the Learning Center if they disrupt other students from concentrating on their studies.
  4. The display or printing of obscene material on lab computers is a Class C misdemeanor of the Texas Penal Code and will not be tolerated. Offenders are subject to prosecution, possible fines, and forfeiture of lab privileges.
  5. The computers are for educational purposes only. 
  6. Cell phones should be on silent or vibrate. If a call comes in, please leave the Learning Center to answer it.
  7. All students must sign in through AccuTrack with a current student ID card, and students must sign out when they leave.

If the above rules are not followed, one warning will be given. On the second offense, the student will be asked to leave.

Taking a Test in the ARC

If students need a proctor, they will need to make an appointment with Derrick Cummings (or Bobbie Mosby if they are in TRiO) at least 24 hours in advance.  We will provide them with whatever testing instructions are required by the instructor.

Study Aids
Computer Lab Information

Computer Lab

The Computer Lab located in the ARC is a service for students to utilize computers for academic purposes including:  working on homework/lab work, researching, and operating student portal and other instructional software.

Fall/Spring Hours

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 8:00 pm
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
3:00 pm –8:00 pm

Summer Hours:

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
*The Computer Lab will be closed on all holidays and between terms.
For more information please contact:
Derrick Cummings
806-457-4200 ext. 822
Apply To Be A Tutor

Apply to Be a Tutor

Are you interested in being an ARC tutor? 

Complete the Tutor/Lab Aide Application form and email it to