Rural Nursing Education Consortium (RNEC)

About RNEC

The Rural Nursing Education Consortium (RNEC) is a partnership between Amarillo College, Frank Phillips College, and five regional hospital districts with one shared goal: to train and retain nurses in rural Texas Panhandle communities. This collaboration ensures students can receive high-quality nursing education close to home, making it easier to serve the communities where they live and work.

Member Hospital Districts:

  • Coon Memorial Hospital
  • Golden Plains Community Hospital
  • Hereford Regional Medical Center
  • Moore County Hospital
  • Ochiltree General Hospital

Program Locations:

  • Amarillo College Campus in Hereford
  • Amarillo College Campus in Dumas
  • Frank Phillips College Campus in Borger
  • Frank Phillips College Rahll Campus in Dalhart
  • Frank Phillips College Allen Campus in Perryton
Nursing Programs & Career Pathways

Welcome to RNEC Nursing Programs

Your Path to a Career in Nursing Starts Here!

RNEC offers two career-building nursing programs:
Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Certificate – A 12-month program that prepares students to take the NCLEX-PN exam and become an LVN.
Registered Nurse (RN) Certification – Students who complete the LVN program can seamlessly transition to Amarillo College’s Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program to earn their RN certification in just 3 additional terms.

Why Choose RNEC?

✔ Train in your hometown – No need to relocate
✔ Gain hands-on experience at local hospitals
✔ Seamless transition from LVN to RN certification
✔ Approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board & Texas Board of Nursing

A Future in Nursing

Licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) provide essential patient care, working under doctors and registered nurses. Experienced LVNs can become charge nurses, leading healthcare teams. Registered nurses (RNs) take on advanced responsibilities, including patient care coordination, health education, and specialized medical procedures.

Accreditation & Licensing
Upon completing the LVN program, students are eligible to take the NCLEX-PN exam. Graduates who pass receive a Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) license and can begin working immediately or continue toward an RN certification.

Contact Information for the Texas Board of Nursing:
Texas Board of Nurse Examiners
33 Guadalupe, Suite 3-460
Austin, Texas 78701-3944
Phone: (512) 305-7400

Steps to Enroll

RNEC is a consortium between 5 rural hospital districts, AC, and FPC. RNEC will offer LVN and ADN programs through Frank Phillips College (LVN portion of the program) and Amarillo College (ADN portion of the program). It is the goal of the consortium to present nursing education to rural communities. We strive to streamline the transition process between FPC and AC and offer both LVN and ADN certificate programs at all 5 campuses we service. The basic admission requirements are listed below, however, dependent on when you enter the program, specific additional requirements may be presented to you at time of application.

Enrolling in RNEC, A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Apply to the RNEC Program

Step 2: Apply to Frank Phillips College

  • You must apply to Frank Phillips College prior to your acceptance into the RNEC program as your first year will be completed as a student of FPC.

Step 3: Complete Scholarship/FAFSA Applications

  • This step is important if you would like help paying for the RNEC program. To be considered for financial assistance, please fill out the FPC Scholarship Application and a FAFSA Application. If you need help applying for Financial Assistance, please contact the Student Financial Aid office at [email protected] or visit them on-campus at FPC.

Step 4: TSI Testing

  • You must complete TSI testing or be taking preparatory classes prior to your admission into the RNEC program.

Step 5: Complete Pre-Requisites

  • There are 5 pre-requisites to be completed before beginning the first year of the RNEC program. You must have these courses completed or be enrolled for completion prior to the start of the semester. View the Pre-Requisites on the next tab labeled, "Year One of RNEC - LVN Program"

Questions? Contact Mary Blackwell, Director of Nursing at (806) 457-4200 Ext. 745, or [email protected]

RNEC LVN Application Process:

Year One of RNEC - LVN Program

General Information for Year One of RNEC - LVN Program

Frank Phillips College offers the LVN certificate portion of this program and it takes approximately two (2) terms to complete. Through RNEC, as long as you meet necessary requirements you will transition into the ADN program seamlessly between year one to year two. 

First, you must enroll in RNEC. View the tab labeled, "Steps to Enroll".

Before beginning year one of the RNEC program, you must complete the five (5) required pre-requisites. These pre-requisites are:

    • General Psychology - PSYC 2301
    • Anatomy & Physiology I - BIOL 2401
    • Anatomy & Physiology II -  BIOL 2402
    • Nutrition - BIOL 1322
    • Medical Terminology - HITT 1305
    • Math for Nursing - MATH PN 0303 *This course is not mandatory, but helpful in preparing for the HESI exam.*

Important to Note:

  • The RNEC LVN Nursing program takes new students every August and graduates in May.
  • The application for YEAR ONE of the RNEC program begins FEBRUARY 1st and closes JUNE 30th.

If you have any questions, please call Laura McIntire, Administrative Assistant of RNEC at 806-457-4200 ext. 746.

Curriculum Outline for Year One of RNEC - LVN Program

For information on Year Two of the RNEC program, please view the tab labeled, "Year Two of RNEC - ADN Program".

Year Two of RNEC - ADN Program

General Information for Year Two of RNEC - ADN Program

Amarillo College offers the RN certificate portion of this program and it takes approximately three (3) terms to complete.


  1. Apply to Amarillo College
  2. Attend AC in-person orientation or watch virtual orientation HERE and fill out the Attestation Statement and email it to [email protected]
  3. Meet with an Amarillo College nursing advisor.
  4. Complete TSI Testing or have taken necessary preparatory classes
  5. Complete the four (4) pre-requisite courses for Year Two of the RNEC program:
    • Microbiology - BIOL 2420
    • Comp I - ENGL 1301
    • Speech - 3 credit hours from approved course list
    • Fine Arts - 3 credit hours from approved course list

Important to Note: The application for YEAR TWO of the RNEC program opens JANUARY 1ST and CLOSES JUNE 30TH.

If you have any questions, please call Laura McIntire, Administrative Assistant of RNEC at 806-457-4200 ext 746.

Curriculum Outline for Year Two of RNEC - ADN Program

Amarillo College Nursing Department | (806) 354-6010


For information on Year One of the RNEC program, please view the tab labeled, "Year One of RNEC - LVN Program".

HESI Exam Dates

HESI Exam Information

You are qualified to take the HESI if we have received your:

  • College application
  • TSI scores
  • Nursing application

Students must contact the nursing department at 806-457-4200 ext. 746 to schedule an exam before the day of the test.  All tests will be taken in the nursing classroom.  Students should arrive 30 minutes prior to the testing time.  Students must bring a photo ID to test.  Students will pay the $75 testing fee with cash or check the day of the test.  No credit or debit cards will be accepted.

Contact Laura McIntire at 806-457-4200 ext. 746 to reserve your testing seat for the one of the dates listed below:

The HESI Nursing Entrance Exam 2025 Schedule

All Campuses

May 13, 2025, 9:00am

May 27, 2025, 9:00am

June 10, 2025, 9:00am

June 24, 2025, 9:00am

July 31, 2025, 9:00am

August 5, 2025, 9:00am

HESI Admission Assessment Exam (A2) *You must score 75 or above on each section to be admitted into the program.*

• Reading Comprehension (55 items)

Provides reading scenarios in order to measure reading comprehension, identifying the main idea, finding meaning of words in context, passage comprehension, making logical inferences, etc. Recommended time: 60 minutes

• Basic Math Skills (55 items)

Focuses on math skills needed for health care fields, including basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, household measures, general math facts, etc. Recommended time: 50 minutes

A & P
• Anatomy and Physiology (30 items**)

Provides coverage of general terminology and anatomical structures and systems.
Recommended time: 25 minutes

Critical Thinking
The Elsevier HESI Critical Thinking exam is designed to evaluate a student's ability to analyze information, prioritize care, solve problems, and make sound clinical decisions in a nursing scenario, essentially testing their critical thinking skills needed for success in a nursing program, by presenting them with realistic patient situations and requiring them to identify key details, assess priorities, and choose the most appropriate course of action.

HESI Study Guide Information
HESI PN 4th edition is the most current HESI study guide. Cost is approximately $35.00 depending on which website you use.

Policy Manual(s)

FPC Vocational Nursing Manual & Policy Forms

Student Nursing Policy Manual

Amended VN Student Policy (Clarifies pages 27&28 in Student Nursing Policy Manual)

Nursing Simulation Lab Policies

2023-2024 RNEC Admission Policy

AC Associate Degree Nursing (LVN to ADN Option) Manual & Policy Forms

Associate Degree Nursing LVN to ADN option Advising Packet

*Includes forms you will need to read and sign. These forms will need to be submitted with your Nursing Application. These forms can also be found within the online application. 

RNEC Admission Requirements

RNEC Admission Requirements

RNEC is a consortium between 5 rural hospital districts, AC and FPC. RNEC will offer LVN and ADN programs through Frank Phillips College (LVN portion of the program) and Amarillo College (ADN portion of the program). It is the goal of the consortium to present nursing education to rural communities. We strive to streamline the transition process between FPC and AC and offer both LVN and ADN certificate programs at all 5 campuses we service. The basic admission requirements are listed below, however, dependent on when you enter the program, specific additional requirements may be presented to you at time of application.

  1. Any individual making application to the Frank Phillips College Vocational Nursing Program must have completed high school or have a GED Certificate. An official transcript/copy of certificate must be on file in the Office of Admission and Records.
  2. Students must meet all requirements for entrance to the college including taking the college entrance exam and achieve the minimum score set by the college.
  3. An official transcript from all colleges attended must be on file in Office of Admission and Records and a copy of all transcripts on file in the Nursing Department.
  4. The Texas Board of Nursing (BON) now requires students to be Board approved before beginning clinical in a Nursing program. Therefore, FPC nursing program will require all students to undergo their DPS/FBI criminal fingerprint background check during the Spring/Summer, so BON approval can be obtained prior to October 1st. Failure to receive BON approval by October 1st will result in immediate withdrawal from the Frank Phillips Vocational Nursing Program.
  5. All Applicants must take the HESI nursing entrance test and achieve the acceptable scores.
  6. Prior to acceptance, applicants shall present evidence of being in good physical and mental health and show proof of a physical examination (completed FPC Physical Examination Form), dated not more than three months prior to acceptance. Any applicant currently being treated for any physical or mental health condition must have the examination completed by the health care provider treating said condition.
  7. Required immunizations must be completed and submitted to the nursing offices by August 1st with the exception of the flu vaccine which should not be taken until after September 1st. The required immunizations are based on both college and clinical site policy and are subject to change without notice. See FPC Immunization/Test Form for current requirements.
  8. WECM courses with equivalent or greater clock hours may be transferred to Frank Phillips College Nursing Program if a minimum grade of C was obtained.
  9. Three (5) prerequisite courses will be required before acceptance into the Nursing Program. These include:
    1. General Psychology
    2. Anatomy And Physiology I
    3. Anatomy and Physiology II
    4. Medical Terminology
    5. Nutrition
  10. Transfer students will be considered for acceptance to the Frank Phillips College Nursing Program. All nursing courses to be accepted must have a minimum grade of C. The transfer courses must have equivalent or greater clock hours and content comparable to FPC course. In addition, the student will be expected to pass the HESI specialty exam for each course being transferred.
  11. The Director reviews each prospective student's file before final student selection. The file must include:
    1. Nursing Application
    2. BNE Questionnaire
    3. High School transcript or GED scores
    4. College entrance exam scores
    5. HESI Admission Assessment Scores
    6. Copy of all college transcripts
    7. Background Verification (by October 1st)
    8. Immunization Record and TB test/Chest X-ray
    9. Signed Policy and Confidentiality Statement (First day of Nurse Camp)
  12. The Director will email a letter to the applicant notifying him/her of their acceptance or rejection.
  13. Frank Phillips College School of Vocational Nursing prerequisite classes begin with the summer mini-term. Each prospective student should be present and ready to start classes on the designated date.
LVN Application Link

Vocational Nursing Application 

For Year 1 of the RNEC program (LVN) please review the attached information before completing your application.

*Please note, you must apply and be accepted by FPC before submitting your application, for more information view the RNEC admission requirements tab.*

Are you ready to submit your application?

For Year 2 of the RNEC program (ADN) please review the ADN Application Information tab.

*Please note, you must apply and be accepted by AC before submitting your application, have watched the virtual orientation video, and meet with an Amarillo College nursing advisor. For more information view the ADN admission requirements tab.*

Nursing Program Printable Forms

Frank Phillips College School of Vocational Nursing Philosophy

The Vocational Nursing Department acknowledges and supports the mission, goals, and philosophies of Frank Phillips College, of which we are a part and of Amarillo College, of which we are partnered with to offer RNEC on all of our rural campuses. We believe the Vocational Nursing Department is an integral part of Frank Phillips College and Rural Amarillo College in Hereford and Dumas, and should be designed to promote excellence in the nursing profession while serving the needs of the students and the community.

We believe that Vocational Nursing provides an important service and is directed toward assisting individuals and families in maintaining optimal health. Vocational nurses are a vital part of the health care team. Vocational Nursing emphasizes the importance of expert technical skills in providing competent bedside care for patients in a variety of health care settings.

We believe that Vocational Nursing is based upon principles and is directed toward meeting the basic needs of man utilizing the nursing process to provide individualized nursing care through the life span.

We believe that the teaching-learning process is dynamic and requires both learner and teacher to be self-directed and active participants. Learning is a lifelong process and as an important part of life, enhances personal and professional growth. We believe that a learning situation proceeds from simple to more complex concepts and includes the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Learning results in a change of behavior that depends on individual abilities, experiences, motivation, and readiness for learning.

We believe that Vocational Nursing education prepares a Vocational Nurse to function as a skilled, technical, primary health care provider in a variety of health care settings, and that it provides the basis for further nursing study.

Frank Phillips College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees.  Contact the Commission on colleges at 1866 Southern Lane Decatur, Georgia  30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Frank Phillips College.

FPC Notice of Non-Discrimination

A blue logo with a stethoscope and nurse hat.

Amarillo College is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate degrees and certificates. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Amarillo College.

AC Title IX Statement